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New Year’s Message from “Agenda Espírita Brasil”

dezembro 31, 2016

Another year has gone, leaving in our hearts the impressions of the moments that we lived: joys and sorrows, learning and teachings, and the strength to stand up and keep walking.

Two thousand and sixteen was a remarkable year to all of us. Our country and the world have gone through a sequence of events that reflected in everyone’s life, undoubtedly.

We wish that at the end of this year, besides the gifts, Christmas decorations and ornaments, the deep heart prayer performed in the bosom of every family make shine our shy, but sincere soul lights up to heaven, reaching God. The Great Father that always loves all of us and gifts us with sublime teachings of love and Peace.

At the dawn of a new year, let us remember, at the beginning of each of these 365 days, the continuous support of a Spirituality that believes in us, in our capacity and deeply wishes we change inside for the best.

Let us be aware that the problems, crises, and distresses, like happy moments, will pass. However, may faith live each morning in our days.

Nevertheless, if the welcoming day does not bring us what we wished, we will still stand firm and strong with the purpose of serving God’s wishes. And never forgetting, before anything else, to offer ourselves the charity of forgiveness and to believe that the new day will offer a new opportunity to be a better person.

Happy New Year.

These are sincere wishes of our “Family” from “Agenda Espírita Brasil” for all Brazilian families, as well as the families in the whole world.

Editorial Board

Editor’s note:
Illustrative and featured image available at <http://www.oportunidadesedescontos.pt/passagem-de-ano-2017-gratis-fim-de-7710631>. Access: Dec 31th, 2016.

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